LI Bin,ZHANG Jihang,LIU Haijin,LI Ye.Fault location of HVDC transmission lines based on waveform similarity analysis[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2019,39(9):
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李斌, 张纪航, 刘海金, 李晔
天津大学 智能电网教育部重点实验室,天津 300072
关键词:  高压直流输电  输电线路  故障测距  差电流  波形相似度  时移
Fault location of HVDC transmission lines based on waveform similarity analysis
LI Bin, ZHANG Jihang, LIU Haijin, LI Ye
Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
In order to overcome the shortcomings of the traveling wave fault location principle that performs worse in high-resistance fault and requires extremely high sampling frequency, a fault location method based on waveform similarity for HVDC(High Voltage Direct Current) power transmission lines is proposed. Based on the functional relationship between positive and negative differential currents and fault point current, the waveform similarity between positive and negative differential currents is analyzed by using Pearson correlation coefficient and the corresponding information of fault location is extracted. The proposed method takes use of time-domain information of voltages and currents at both ends, is less affected by the transition resistance and noise, and shows high reliability. PSCAD/EMTDC simulation verifies that the proposed method can achieve accurate fault location of the full length of power transmission line.
Key words:  HVDC power transmission  transmission line  electric fault location  differential current  waveform similarity  time shift

