CHEN Shilong,YANG Hongyan,BI Guihong,ZHAO Sihong.Boundary frequency characteristic study of traction network in continuous co-phase AT traction power supply system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2021,41(6):
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陈仕龙, 杨鸿雁, 毕贵红, 赵四洪
昆明理工大学 电力工程学院,云南 昆明 650500
关键词:  贯通式同相AT供电系统  牵引网  边界  高频暂态信号  频谱分析
Boundary frequency characteristic study of traction network in continuous co-phase AT traction power supply system
CHEN Shilong, YANG Hongyan, BI Guihong, ZHAO Sihong
School of Electric Power Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
The boundary frequency characteristics of continuous co-phase AT(AutoTransformer) traction power supply system and the traction network composed of the capacitor at the exit of the traction substation and a section of catenary line outside the traction network are analyzed. The attenuation effect of traction network and traction network boundary on high-frequency transient signals, and the impact of fault location on high-frequency transient signals detected at protection are analyzed. The study results show that in the current continuous co-phase AT traction power supply system, the attenuation effect of the traction network on the high-frequency transients is smaller than that of the traction network boundary, and the high-frequency transient signals detected by the protection are closely related to the fault location. A simulation model is established to verify the attenuation effects of the traction network of the continuous co-phase AT traction power supply system and the traction network boundary, and the simulative results verify the correctness of the study results.
Key words:  continuous co-phase AT traction power supply system  traction network  boundary  high-frequency transient signals  frequency spectrum analysis

