WU Zhouyang,AI Xin,HU Junjie,WU Jiechen.EVs’ participation in system frequency regulation reserve based on charging behavior prediction: capacity mining and risk evaluation[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(4):
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吴洲洋, 艾欣, 胡俊杰, 吴界辰
华北电力大学 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室,北京 102206
关键词:  电动汽车  灵活性资源  辅助服务  概率预测  风险评估  调频备用  条件风险价值
EVs’ participation in system frequency regulation reserve based on charging behavior prediction: capacity mining and risk evaluation
WU Zhouyang, AI Xin, HU Junjie, WU Jiechen
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
Taking EV(Electric Vehicle) aggregators providing reserve capacity in the frequency regulation auxiliary service market as the research object, the optimization decision model of EV aggregators’ charging power and reserve reporting is established considering the charging behavior uncertainties and energy demand of EV users. Firstly, the EV charging records and the historical data of frequency regulation signal are analyzed, and the prediction method of charging EV quantity and the time series characteristic analysis method of frequency regulation signal are proposed. Then, considering the risks that the accuracy of EV aggregators’ response to frequency regulation signal decreases or the charging demands of EV users cannot be met, a risk cost evaluation method based on conditional value at risk is proposed to weigh the benefits and risks of EV aggregators’ provision of reserve, and an optimization model is established to maximize the benefits. Finally, the characteristics and advantages of auxiliary service reserve provided by EV aggregators in different application scenarios are compared and analyzed based on simulation examples, and the validity of the proposed model is verified.
Key words:  electric vehicles  flexible resources  ancillary services  probability prediction  risk evaluation  frequency regulation reserve  conditional value at risk

