YU Jianyu,FAN Dongchen,XU Kai,KONG Xiangping,ZHENG Junchao,DAI Qiangsheng.Staged coordinated fault ride-through strategy for hybrid cascaded multi-terminal DC system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(6):
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喻建瑜1, 范栋琛1, 徐凯2, 孔祥平1, 郑俊超1, 戴强晟1
1.国网江苏省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,江苏 南京 211103;2.国家电网有限公司,北京 100031
关键词:  混合级联多端直流系统  故障穿越  电压裕度  低压限流环节
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51807027);国网江苏省电力有限公司科技项目(J2020084, J2020078)
Staged coordinated fault ride-through strategy for hybrid cascaded multi-terminal DC system
YU Jianyu1, FAN Dongchen1, XU Kai2, KONG Xiangping1, ZHENG Junchao1, DAI Qiangsheng1
1.Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 211103, China;2.State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing 100031, China
The anti-droop characteristics of the rectifier in the hybrid cascaded multi-terminal DC system weaken the system capability of power surplus compensation, which leads to the limitation of fault ride-through capability. A protection scheme that relies on the equipment’s own overcurrent capability to against AC faults is proposed, and fault ride-through in different degrees can be realized by the staged coor-dinated control strategy. Multiple different converters at the DC receiving end coordinate and cooperate according to the pre-established operating modes to evacuate the system surplus power that caused by the blockage of the modular multilevel converter group. The simulative results show that the coordinated fault ride-through strategy can realize the rapid and stable transition to the preset stable operating point under different fault depths without the need to configure the discharge device on the DC side, which improves the fault ride-through capability of the hybrid cascaded multi-terminal DC system.
Key words:  hybrid cascaded multi-terminal DC system  fault ride-through  voltage margin  low voltage dependent current order limiter

