引用本文:张 强,张伯明,李 鹏.智能电网调度控制架构和概念发展述评[J].电力自动化设备,2010,(12):
ZHANG Qiang,ZHANG Boming,LI Peng.Review of structure and concept evolution of dispatch and control system for smart grid[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2010,(12):
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张 强1, 张伯明1, 李 鹏2
1.清华大学 电力系统国家重点实验室,北京 100084;2.中国南方电网 电力调度通信中心,广东 广州 510623
智能电网是未来电力系统的理想解决方案。调度环节是智能电网的神经中枢,最需要智能化也最能体现智能特征。分3部分对电网调度控制架构和概念发展进行述评。第1部分分析评价自20世纪60年代到21 世纪初不同时期有代表性的研究应用成果,包括电网安全控制模式、EMS软硬件平台、电网安全防御体系、新一代EMS的理论和实践等;第2部分对智能调度控制领域研究新进展和新概念进行探讨,包括智能调度控制架构、核心特征等发展思路,自愈电网、多代理系统、动态安全预警等具体技术;第3部分从功能特征、关键技术、实施步骤3个方面展望智能电网背景下的调度控制发展思路。
关键词:  电力系统  智能电网  调度控制  能量管理系统
Review of structure and concept evolution of dispatch and control system for smart grid
ZHANG Qiang1, ZHANG Boming1, LI Peng2
1.State Key Lab of Power System,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;2.CSG Power Dispatching and Communication Center,Guangzhou 510623,China
Smart grid is the ideal solution for future power system. As the nerve center of smart grid,the dispatch section,mostly,should be intelligent to embody the intelligence features. The structure and concept evolution of dispatch and control system are reviewed in three parts:the representative researches from 1960s to the beginning of 21st century are reviewed,including the power system security control mode,the hardware and software platform of EMS(Energy Management System),the security defense system of power grid and the theory and practice of new generation EMS;the new developments and concepts of smart grid dispatch and control are discussed,including the architecture and core features of smart grid dispatch and control system and the specific techniques such as self-healing power grid,multi-agent system and dynamic security warning;the future development of smart grid dispatch and control system is prospected in three aspects,including the functional characteristics,key technologies and implementation steps.
Key words:  power system  smart grid  power dispatch and control  energy management system

