YIN Liangzhen,LIU Lu,LI Qi,CHEN Weirong.Real-time optimal temperature model free adaptive control of air-cooling PEMFC power generation system based on grey prediction[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2017,37(12):
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尹良震, 刘璐, 李奇, 陈维荣
西南交通大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 610031
关键词:  质子交换膜燃料电池发电系统  最优温度特性  灰色预测  无模型自适应控制  实时控制
Real-time optimal temperature model free adaptive control of air-cooling PEMFC power generation system based on grey prediction
YIN Liangzhen, LIU Lu, LI Qi, CHEN Weirong
School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
The output performance of air-cooling PEMFC(Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell) power generation system is affected by the operating parameters such as operating temperature, gas flow rate, exhaust interval, etc, among which, the operating temperature is the key factor. According to the complex characteristics of temperature control in air-cooling PEMFC power generation system, i. e. nonlinear, time delay, slow time variation, etc, a model free adaptive control method based on grey prediction is proposed for real-time optimal temperature control, which substitutes the results of grey prediction for the current operating temperature measurement of power generation system. Experimental results show that, the proposed method can track the optimal temperature in real-time under different load conditions. Compared with the incremental PID control, the proposed method effectively reduces the overshoot of the system and makes the output power of generation system more stable, which is helpful for long-term stable operation of power generation system and prolongs the service life of electrolysis stack. The proposed method adjusts the controller on line only according to the input and output data of PEMFC, which is insensitive to PEMFC parameters, so the method can be applied to similar air-cooling PEMFC power generation system.
Key words:  PEMFC power generation system  optimal temperature characteristics  grey prediction  model free adaptive control  real-time control

