CHEN Biyun,DING Jin,CHEN Shaonan.Selection of key incentives for power production safety accidents based on association rule mining[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2018,(4):
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陈碧云1, 丁晋1, 陈绍南2
关键词:  电力生产安全事故事件  诱发度  关联规则  Apriori算法
Selection of key incentives for power production safety accidents based on association rule mining
CHEN Biyun1, DING Jin1, CHEN Shaonan2
1.Guangxi key Laboratory of Power System Optimization and Energy Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China;2.Guangxi Power Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Nanning 530023, China
With the development of smart grid, communication network and power production safety accident analysis level, the data of power production safety accident is growing exponentially with more complexity, which gradually forms the big data of accidents in electric power production. In order to classify and identify the causes of accidents effectively and reliably on the basis of a large amount of prior accident data, the association rule mining is adopted to select the key incentives of power production safety accident. The incentive analysis system of power production safety accident is established according to the characteristics of accidents. Boolean discretization is carried out to different type of accidents, the calculation method for incentive degree of accident causes is proposed based on association rule mining, the Apriori algorithm is adopted for deep association rules mining, and the key causes are selected and analyzed based on the strong association rules. The validity of the proposed method is verified by the analysis of 5-year regional accident cases.
Key words:  power production safety accidents  incentive degree  association rules  Apriori algorithm

