SONG Xiaocui,LIU Zhigang.EMU-traction network modeling of high speed railway and electromagnetic transient influence considering secondary arcing of pantograph catenary[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2018,(4):
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宋小翠, 刘志刚
西南交通大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 610031
针对高铁弓网燃弧造成的电磁暂态现象,基于多导体传输线(MTL)理论对计及弓网二次燃弧的牵引网回路进行车-网建模仿真研究。推导高铁全并联自耦变压器(AT)供电方式下牵引网MTL 链式集总π型网络矩阵参数;根据CRH2 型动车组结构参数,结合动车组实际运行过程中车体、钢轨、牵引网三者之间的相对位置分布及电气参数关系,在MATLAB/ Simulink 上建立精确的高速铁路车-网链式参数仿真模型。 以二次燃弧为主,仿真分析燃弧对牵引网电压、动车组车体电势、轮对泄流、轮对间轨电位差的影响,结果表明:所建模型可有效模拟高速铁路中稳定的工频工况及弓网离线期间一次燃弧和多次燃弧的电磁暂态现象。
关键词:  高速铁路  动车组  弓网离线电弧  电磁暂态
基金项目:国家自然科学基金高铁联合基金重点项目( U1434203);国家自然科学基金资助项目(51377136);四川省青年科技创新团队项目(2016TD0012)
EMU-traction network modeling of high speed railway and electromagnetic transient influence considering secondary arcing of pantograph catenary
SONG Xiaocui, LIU Zhigang
School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
Aiming at the electromagnetic transient phenomenon caused by the pantograph catenary arcing of high speed railway, the research on EMU (Electric Multiple Unit)-traction network modeling considering the secondary arcing is carried out based on the MTL(Multi-conductor Transmission Line) theory. The parameters of chain lumped p-type network matrix of traction network MTL under all-parallel AT(AutoTransformer) power supply mode are deduced. According to the structural parameters of CRH2-type EMU and the relative location and electrical parameters of vehicle?rail and traction network during the practical operation of EMU, the accurate simulation model of EMU-traction network with chain parameters is built on MATLAB/ Simulink. The secondary arcing is taken as the research subject to simulate its influence on the traction network voltage, the electric potential of the car body, the discharge of the wheel, and the rail potential difference between the wheels, and the results show that the proposed model can effectively simulate the steady power frequency condition of the high speed railway and the electromagnetic transient phenomenon of the primary arcing and multiple arcing during off line of the pantograph catenary.
Key words:  high speed railway  electric multiple unit  arc of off line pantograph catenary  electromagnetic transient

