ZHOU Renjun,XIAO Junwen,TANG Xiafei,ZHENG Quanguo,Lü Jia,CAO Junbo.Coordinated optimization of carbon utilization between power-to-gas renewable energy accommodation and carbon capture power plant[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2018,(7):
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周任军, 肖钧文, 唐夏菲, 郑权国, 吕佳, 曹俊波
长沙理工大学 湖南省清洁能源与智能电网协同创新中心,湖南 长沙 410114
关键词:  电转气  消纳新能源  碳捕集  碳利用  优化运行  成本  模型
Coordinated optimization of carbon utilization between power-to-gas renewable energy accommodation and carbon capture power plant
ZHOU Renjun, XIAO Junwen, TANG Xiafei, ZHENG Quanguo, Lü Jia, CAO Junbo
Hunan Province Collaborative Innovation Center of Clean Energy and Smart Grid, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410114, China
The power-to-gas technology, as a new type of energy conversion and storage, provides a new way for renewable energy accommodation, and its required CO2 for generating methane can be efficiently and economically got from the carbon collection amount of carbon capture units. The power-to-gas-carbon capture power plant is taken as a whole system, and its coordinated optimization model is built, which takes the carbon cost, fuel cost, abandoned wind cost and power-to-gas cost as the objectives, and the carbon capture rate, active power output of carbon capture power plant and power-to-gas active power as the decision variables. Simulative results show that, the power-to-gas-carbon capture power plant improves the wind power accommodation ability, reduces the carbon emission, improves the carbon utilization level, and reduces the power-to-gas operation cost.
Key words:  power-to-gas  renewable energy accommodation  carbon capture  carbon utilization  optimal operation  costs  models

