ZHAO Chun,WANG Pei,GUO Juntian,WANG Tao,WU Min,LE Jian.Active lightning protection strategy based on lightning warning for UHVDC system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2019,39(5):
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赵淳1, 王佩1, 郭钧天1, 王韬1, 吴敏1, 乐健2
关键词:  特高压直流输电  雷击故障  降压运行  紧急功率支援  主动防护
Active lightning protection strategy based on lightning warning for UHVDC system
ZHAO Chun1, WANG Pei1, GUO Juntian1, WANG Tao1, WU Min1, LE Jian2
1.Wuhan Nari Co.,Ltd. of State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan 430074, China;2.School of Electrical Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
The idea of active protection based on reduced-voltage operation and DC emergency power support are presented, and the effects of the two proposed methods on improving the safe operation of the power system under the lightning fault of the UHVDC system are analyzed. The simulation model of Sichuan Power Grid containing several UHVDC systems during the flood season is established with PSASP software. Based on the stability criterions of power system, the influences of the reduced-voltage operation and DC emergency power support control on the operation stability of the sending power grid when individual UHVDC system operates in monopolar/bipolar lockout mode due to the lightning strike are analyzed through simulations. The research results have reference value for ensuring the safe and stable operation of the power grid containing UHVDC transmission system.
Key words:  UHVDC power transmission  lightning fault  reduced-voltage operation  emergency DC power support  active protection

