LIU Tianqi,ZENG Hong,HE Chuan,SU Xueneng,HU Xiaotong,AI Qing,LU Jun.Planning of integrated gas and electricity system considering coordinated expansion of power-to-gas facilities and wind farms[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2019,39(8):
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刘天琪, 曾红, 何川, 苏学能, 胡晓通, 艾青, 卢俊
四川大学 电气信息学院,四川 成都 610065
随着电转气技术的发展和燃气机组占比的日益提高,电力、天然气系统间的耦合程度逐渐加深。在此背景下,对气电互联综合能源系统扩建规划时,考虑投建发电机组、输电线路、天然气气井、输气管道、风电场、电转气设备,并探究电转气设备和风电场协同扩建对系统扩建方案、风电消纳和经济性的影响。在计及电力、天然气系统相关运行约束的前提下,建立以系统投资运行总成本之和最小为目标的气电互联综合能源系统长期协调规划扩建模型;通过分段线性法将该模型转化为混合整数规划模型进行求解;通过IEEE 24节点的电力系统和12节点的天然气系统组成的算例系统验证所提模型的有效性,结果表明合理的电转气设备和风电场协同投建可以减少输电线路阻塞和输电线路的过度投建,提高系统经济性和运行安全性。
关键词:  综合能源系统  电转气  风电消纳  长期扩建规划  混合整数规划  运行安全性
Planning of integrated gas and electricity system considering coordinated expansion of power-to-gas facilities and wind farms
LIU Tianqi, ZENG Hong, HE Chuan, SU Xueneng, HU Xiaotong, AI Qing, LU Jun
College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
With the development of P2G(Power-to-Gas) technology and the increasing penetration of gas-fired generators, the interdependency between electricity and natural gas system has been gradually intensified. In this background, when expansion planning the integrated gas and electricity system, the expansion of generating units, transmission lines, natural gas wells, gas pipelines, wind farms and P2G facilities is considered. Moreover, the influences of the coordinated expansion of P2G facilities and wind farms on the system expansion plan, wind power accommodation, and economy have been explored. In addition, considering the operation constraints of power system and natural gas system, a long-term coordinated planning model for the integrated gas and electricity system is proposed, which aims at minimizing the sum of investment cost and operation cost. Then, the model is converted into a mixed-integer programming model by piecewise linear method. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed model is verified by the IEEE 24-bus power system and 20-node natural gas system, and the results show that the reasonable coordinated expansion of P2G facilities and wind farms can reduce transmission line congestion and over-construction, and improve economy of system and operation security.
Key words:  integrated energy system  power-to-gas  wind power accommodation  long-term expansion planning  mixed integer programming  operation security

