LIAO Ruijin,DU Yongyong,GAO Jun,LUO Dingchun,GUO Jin.Effect of moisture content on dielectric frequency domain response of oil-paper condenser bushing[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2019,39(11):
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廖瑞金1, 杜永永2, 高竣2, 罗定春2, 郭进2
1.重庆大学 输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室,重庆 400044;2.国网成都供电公司,四川 成都 610000
设计制作了10 kV油浸纸套管模型,对该模型进行电势分布仿真,得出电势沿径向路径线性分布的结论。同时,套管模型实际工频电容测量值30.197 pF与理论计算值30.172 pF接近,套管模型基本满足实际需求。测试了不同受潮程度下套管的主绝缘与绝缘油的频域介电响应特性后发现:受潮缺陷会使主绝缘的介质损耗和电容在整个频域(10-3~103 Hz)内明显增加;受潮后的绝缘油介质损耗在整个频域内明显增加,而电容则在10-3~10-1 Hz频段内明显增加,10-1~103 Hz内基本保持不变。最后选取特征频率点(10-3、10-2 、10-1 Hz)下的电容值与工频电容值的比值为特征量有效地实现了对套管受潮状态的评估,为频域介电响应技术应用于油纸电容式套管的状态评估提供了理论参考。
关键词:  油纸电容式套管  主绝缘  绝缘油  受潮缺陷  电容比  频域介电响应
Effect of moisture content on dielectric frequency domain response of oil-paper condenser bushing
LIAO Ruijin1, DU Yongyong2, GAO Jun2, LUO Dingchun2, GUO Jin2
1.State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment and System Security and New Technology, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China;2.State Grid Chengdu Power Supply Company, Chengdu 610000, China
A 10 kV OIP(OIl-Paper) bushing model is designed and made. The potential distribution of the 10 kV OIP bushing model is simulated, the simulative results show that the potential distribution of the 10 kV OIP bushing model is linearly along the radial path. The measured value of power frequency 50 Hz capacitance of the 10 kV OIP bushing model is 30.197 pF, which is close to the theoretical calculating value 30.172 pF, so the 10 kV OIP bushing model satisfies the actual requirements. The DFRs(Dielectric Frequency Responses) of main insulation and insulation oil of bushing with different moisture contents are studied. The results show: the dielectric loss and capacitance of the damp main insulation increase obviously in the whole frequency domain from 10-3 Hz to 103 Hz due to moistened defect; the dielectric loss of mois-tened insulation oil increases mostly in the whole frequency domain, while the capacitance only increases in the frequency domain from 10-3 Hz to 10-1 Hz, and remain basically unchanged from 10-1 Hz to 103 Hz. Finally, the ratios of capacitance value to power frequency capacitance value at characteristic frequency points(10-3 Hz, 10-2 Hz, 10-1 Hz) are selected to evaluate the moisture state of bushing insulation, which provides a theoretical reference for the application of DFR technology to the condition assessment of OIP bushing.
Key words:  oil-paper condenser bushing  main insulation  insulation oil  moistened defect  capacitance ratio  dielectric frequency domain response

