ZHANG Xiangyu,LI Lingfei,BIAN Zixuan.Virtual moment inertia control based on hybrid static energy storage[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2019,39(11):
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张祥宇1, 李凌斐1, 边子轩2
1.华北电力大学 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室,河北 保定 071003;2.国网河北省电力有限公司 沧州供电分公司,河北 沧州 061000
关键词:  光伏发电  混合储能  虚拟惯量  频率响应  蓄电池  超级电容器
Virtual moment inertia control based on hybrid static energy storage
ZHANG Xiangyu1, LI Lingfei1, BIAN Zixuan2
1.State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China;2.Cangzhou Power Supply Company, State Grid Hebei Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Cangzhou 061000, China
Firstly, the energy conversion relationship between battery energy storage, capacitor energy storage of super-capacitors and mechanical kinetic energy of synchronous generator is established in the process of frequency dynamic fluctuation, and the definition of virtual inertia of HESS(Hybrid Energy Storage System)derived from two kinds of static energy is defined. Secondly, based on the charging and discharging characteristics of batteries and super-capacitors, a HESS cooperative control strategy is proposed by using power co-regulation between two energy storage units. By monitoring the frequency fluctuation of the system, the control strategy transfers energy of battery and super-capacitors to imitate inertial response of synchronous generator in consideration of characteristic of power control and SOC(State Of Charging) by monitoring frequency fluctuation. Finally, a photovoltaic micro-grid containing HESS is set up to validate the effectiveness of the control strategy. The simulative results show that the strategy can make full use of the static energy stored in HESS to rapidly virtualize the inertial response and significantly improve the frequency stability of system.
Key words:  photovoltaic power generation  hybrid energy storage system  virtual inertia  frequency response  battery  super-capacitor

