LIU Chunxiao,JIANG Tao,LI Xue,LI Peng,ZHANG Jianxin,LI Zhiyong,YANG Huanhuan.Comprehensive assessment of power system dynamic stability based on continuous wavelet transform[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2021,41(2):
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刘春晓1, 姜涛2, 李雪2, 李鹏1, 张建新1, 李智勇1, 杨欢欢1
1.南方电网电力调度控制中心,广东 广州 510623;2.东北电力大学 电气工程学院,吉林 吉林 132012
关键词:  广域量测信息  连续小波变换  主导振荡模式  振荡模态  参与因子  同调机群  动态稳定  电力系统
Comprehensive assessment of power system dynamic stability based on continuous wavelet transform
LIU Chunxiao1, JIANG Tao2, LI Xue2, LI Peng1, ZHANG Jianxin1, LI Zhiyong1, YANG Huanhuan1
1.Power Dispatching and Control Center, China Southern Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510623, China;2.School of Electrical Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China
A comprehensive assessment method of dominant oscillation modes, oscillation mode shapes, participation factors and coherent generator groups for power system is proposed based on CWT(Continuous Wavelet Transform). Firstly, the time-frequency domain decomposition of multi-channel wide area measurement information in power system is realized by using wavelet transform, and the wavelet coefficient matrix corresponding to each measurement channel is obtained. For each wavelet coefficient matrix, the key wavelet coefficient vectors strongly related to the dominant oscillation modes of system are identified by wavelet power spectrum. Then, the oscillation frequency and damping ratio of dominant oscillation modes are assessed based on the key wavelet coefficient vectors. On this basis, the system’s oscillation mode under each dominant oscillation mode are assessed by means of the cross wavelet transform. Furthermore, according to the obtained oscillation modes, the participation factor and coherent generator group of each measurement channel are assessed, and then the comprehensive assessment of power system dynamic stability is realized based on CWT. The proposed method is used to analyze the simulation data of 16-machine 68-bus test system and the wide area measured data of an actual power grid, and the results verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method.
Key words:  wide area measurement information  continuous wavelet transform  dominant oscillation modes  oscillation mode shapes  participation factors  coherent generator groups  dynamic stability  electric power systems

