MEI Shufan,TAN Qinliang,LI Yu,DING Yihong,XU Jieqiong.Economic benefit interval optimization of Xinjiang’s power generation enterprise considering supply and demand relationship[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2021,41(2):
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梅书凡1, 檀勤良1,2,3, 李渝4, 丁毅宏1, 徐婕琼1
1.华北电力大学 经济与管理学院,北京 102206;2.北京市能源发展研究基地,北京 102206;3.新能源电力与低碳发展研究北京市重点实验室,北京 102206;4.国网新疆电力有限公司,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000
关键词:  电力市场  供需关系  发电企业  利益均衡  区间优化
Economic benefit interval optimization of Xinjiang’s power generation enterprise considering supply and demand relationship
MEI Shufan1, TAN Qinliang1,2,3, LI Yu4, DING Yihong1, XU Jieqiong1
1.School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China;2.Research Center for Beijing Energy Development, Beijing 102206, China;3.Beijing Key Laboratory of Renewable Electric Power and Low Carbon Development, Beijing 102206, China;4.State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Urumqi 830000, China
In order to alleviate the interest conflict problem of various types of power generation enterprises, an economic benefit equilibrium model of wind-photovoltaic-thermal power sources is built based on electricity market transaction. Considering the complexity of Xinjiang Power Grid and great differences of costs and benefits among power generation enterprises in different regions, the thermal power is divided into two regions of northern and southern Xinjiang, and wind power and photovoltaic are divided according to the source areas. The proportion of market transaction electricity is set as an interval number, the influence of variation of supply and demand relationship on electricity price is considered in the electricity market, and the power generation grid-connection and transaction strategies of three types of power sources are analyzed. The research results show that the utilization rate of new energy is increased while the interests of three types of power sources are ensured by their participation in market transaction.
Key words:  electricity market  supply and demand relationship  power generation enterprise  interest equilibrium  interval optimization

