CAI Zilong,SHU Hongchun,YANG Bo,SHAN Jieshan.Coordinated charging strategy of electric bus considering driving plan[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2021,41(6):
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蔡子龙, 束洪春, 杨博, 单节杉
昆明理工大学 电力工程学院,云南 昆明 650500
关键词:  电动公交车  行车计划  充电策略  有序充电  分时电价  车次链
Coordinated charging strategy of electric bus considering driving plan
CAI Zilong, SHU Hongchun, YANG Bo, SHAN Jieshan
Faculty of Electric Power Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
In order to improve the economy of electric bus and take into account the benefits of public transport and power grid, the charging strategy and driving plan of electric bus should be considered comprehensively. Firstly, feasible vehicle chains satisfying the constraints of time connection relationship and battery capacity are generated, and the coordinated charging stage 1 model of feasible vehicle chain with the minimum charging cost as its optimization objective and the optimal vehicle chain selection model with the minimum total operation cost as its optimization objective are established. Then, with the minimum fluctuation of charging load during the day and night as the optimization objective, the coordinated charging stage 2 model and the quadratic programming model of night charging for the feasible vehicle chain are established respectively. Finally, taking a bus line as the example to verify the proposed model, the results show that the proposed model and method can meet the demand of bus companies to make driving plans, achieve the goal of the lowest total operation cost of electric buses, and achieve the purpose of reducing charging cost and suppressing charging load fluctuation through coordinated charging, which has important reference value for guiding electric buses to make charging strategy and driving plan.
Key words:  electric bus  driving plan  charging strategy  coordinated charging  time-of-use electricity price  vehicle chain

