引用本文:吴娟娟,冷 杉,张才科,王黎泽,吴炫钢.TXP虚拟机的报警系统实现[J].电力自动化设备,2010,(9):
WU Juanjuan,LENG Shan,ZHANG Caike,WANG Lize,WU Xuangang.Implementation of alarm system for TXP virtual machine[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2010,(9):
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吴娟娟, 冷 杉, 张才科, 王黎泽, 吴炫钢
东南大学 能源与环境学院,江苏 南京 210096
依照核电站数字化仪控系统(Teleperm XP)的报警系统,以报警序列显示(ASD)为模拟仿真对象,在开放的Windows平台上,应用SQL数据库管理、JavaScript和Visual C++ 编程技术及ADO数据访问技术开发了一套核电站运行人员培训的TXP虚拟机报警系统。TXP虚拟机系统是客户端/服务器(client/server)结构应用系统。ASD由概貌区和页面区组成,采用CRT进行显示;具有报警信息浏览、选择性浏览和报警信息分类显示功能。所设计的运行人员培训的TXP虚拟机报警系统实现了真实报警系统的完整再现。
关键词:  TXP虚拟机  ASD  SQL  JavaScript  ADO
Implementation of alarm system for TXP virtual machine
WU Juanjuan, LENG Shan, ZHANG Caike, WANG Lize, WU Xuangang
School of Energy & Environment,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
According to the alarm system of digital I&C system(Teleperm XP) for nuclear power plant,an alarm system is developed for TXP virtual machine used for the training of nuclear power plant operators, which takes the ASD(Alarm Sequence Display) as the simulative object and adopts the technologies on open Windows platform:SQL database management,JavaScript,Visual C++ programming and ADO data access. TXP virtual machine has the client/server system structure,and the ASD consists of the overview area and the page area,represented on CRT with the functions of alarm overview,selective display and classified display. The simulated alarm system completely reproduces the real alarm system in TXP virtual machine.
Key words:  TXP virtual machine  ASD  SQL  JavaScript  ADO

