引用本文:曹一家,姚 欢,黄小庆,张振夫.基于D - S证据理论的变电站通信系统信息安全评估[J].电力自动化设备,2011,31(6):
CAO Yijia,YAO Huan,HUANG Xiaoqing,ZHANG Zhenfu.Security evaluation of substation communication system based on D-S theory[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2011,31(6):
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基于D - S证据理论的变电站通信系统信息安全评估
曹一家, 姚 欢, 黄小庆, 张振夫
湖南大学 电气与信息工程学院,湖南 长沙 410082
关键词:  变电站  通信系统  信息安全  层次分析法  证据理论
Security evaluation of substation communication system based on D-S theory
CAO Yijia, YAO Huan, HUANG Xiaoqing, ZHANG Zhenfu
College of Electrical & Information Engineering,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China
The quantification of each threat against information security of substation communication system is the prerequisite to the planning of security strategy. Based on the analysis of the requirements of substation communication system for information security,all threats are classified according to its four properties,based on which,the index system and hierarchy of information security evaluation is established. The joint weight is calculated by the scale method for each threat,experts’ assessments are quantified and merged based on the D-S theory,and all threats are ranked according to the confidence interval. Case study shows that the quantified threats provide the theoretical support to the security strategy planning of substation.
Key words:  electric substations  communication systems  information security  AHP  D-S theory

