引用本文:李 岩,张道农,郑立亮,张陈啸.高压直流传变系统中一次电流传感器的实现[J].电力自动化设备,2012,32(2):
LI Yan,ZHANG Daonong,ZHENG Liliang,ZHANG Chenxiao.Primary current sensor for HVDC measurement system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2012,32(2):
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李 岩1, 张道农2, 郑立亮1, 张陈啸1
1.国网电力科学研究院/南京南瑞集团公司,江苏 南京 210003;2.华北电力设计院工程有限公司,北京 100120
关键词:  高压直流传变系统  一次电流  传感器  分流器  设计
Primary current sensor for HVDC measurement system
LI Yan1, ZHANG Daonong2, ZHENG Liliang1, ZHANG Chenxiao1
1.State Grid Electric Power Research Institute,Nanjing 210003,China;2.North China Power Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100120,China
A HVDC measurement system based on “shunt + optical fiber transmission” technique is introduced,which measures DC current by the shunt,different from the conventional DC measurement system based on the electromagnetic effect of iron-core coil. It converts measurement to optical signal at HV side and transmits it to LV side through optical fiber,which avoids the poor performance of traditional DC measurement in transient and saturation,and provides better signal isolation between HV and LV sides. Its primary current sensor consists of the shunt,conductive connector and other components. The output voltage signal of the shunt is very susceptible to interference,to which a solution is proposed after the influencing factors on measurement accuracy are analyzed:temperature rise,skin effect,expansion stress,structure and so on. Its design rationality is proved by simulation and test,which meets the requirements of HVDC measurement system for accuracy and temperature rise.
Key words:  HVDC measurement system  primary current  sensors  shunt  design

