引用本文:李 虹,赵书强.基于WAMS/SCADA混合量测的电力系统强跟踪滤波动态状态估计[J].电力自动化设备,2012,32(9):
LI Hong,ZHAO Shuqiang.Power system dynamic state estimation of strong tracking filter based on hybrid WAMS/SCADA measurements[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2012,32(9):
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李 虹, 赵书强
华北电力大学 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室,河北 保定 071003
关键词:  电力系统  广域测量系统  状态估计  强跟踪滤波  预测
Power system dynamic state estimation of strong tracking filter based on hybrid WAMS/SCADA measurements
LI Hong, ZHAO Shuqiang
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources,North China Electric Power University,Baoding 071003,China
As EKF(Extended Kalman Filter) method has the defects of bad robustness and uncertain models,the strong tracking filter is proposed for power system dynamic state estimation,which introduces the suboptimal time-varying fading factor to EKF,online rectifies the state forecast error covariance matrix and the corresponding gain matrix to minimize the state estimation residual variance. On the other hand,hybrid measurements of WAMS(Wide Area Measurement System) and SCADA(Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system are applied in power system dynamic state estimation to improve its performance. Simulative results show that,the proposed method has better forecasting and filtering performance under various conditions: normal operation,sudden load change,bad measurements,topology error,etc.
Key words:  electric power systems  wide area measurement system  state estimation  strong tracking filter  forecasting

