引用本文:郭 镥,罗 安,黎 燕,彭双剑.新型光伏逆变器及其前馈功率预测控制[J].电力自动化设备,2013,33(6):
GUO Lu,LUO An,LI Yan,PENG Shuangjian.New photovoltaic inverter and its feedforward power predictive control[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2013,33(6):
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郭 镥1, 罗 安1, 黎 燕1,2, 彭双剑1
1.湖南大学 电气与信息工程学院,湖南 长沙 410082;2.中南大学 信息科学与工程学院,湖南 长沙 410075
关键词:  光伏  逆变器  罗氏升压电路  三相四开关单元  前馈  预测
New photovoltaic inverter and its feedforward power predictive control
GUO Lu1, LUO An1, LI Yan1,2, PENG Shuangjian1
1.Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China;2.Central South University,Changsha 410075,China
The topology of a new-kind photovoltaic inverter is proposed to effectively improve the efficiency of photovoltaic power generation and reduce the cost of photovoltaic system,which consists of Luo-Boost circuit and three-phase four-switch units. A new strategy of feedforward power predictive control is brought forward for it,which partitions the natural environment conditions and searches one by one the optimal historical photovoltaic power to determine the corresponding predictions of feedforward power. With small calculation load,fast calculation speed,simple implementation,high control precision and excellent reliability,the new control strategy removes the DC-voltage close-loop control used in traditional inverter and realizes the MPPT function by inverter itself,which enhances the system response and reliability. Simulative and experimental results show the proposed topology and strategy feasible and superior.
Key words:  photovoltaic  electric inverters  Luo-Boost circuit  three-phase four-switch unit  feedforward control  forecasting

