引用本文:饶 宏,李建国,宋 强,许树楷,陈 名,黎小林.模块化多电平换流器直流输电系统损耗的计算方法及其损耗特性分析[J].电力自动化设备,2014,34(6):
RAO Hong,LI Jianguo,SONG Qiang,XU Shukai,CHEN Ming,LI Xiaolin.Loss calculation method and characteristics analysis for MMC-HVDC system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2014,34(6):
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饶 宏1, 李建国2, 宋 强2, 许树楷1, 陈 名1, 黎小林1
1.南方电网科学研究院,广东 广州 510080;2.清华大学 电机工程与应用电子技术系,北京 100084
关键词:  模块化多电平换流器  柔性直流输电  开关损耗  通态损耗  换流器  损耗
Loss calculation method and characteristics analysis for MMC-HVDC system
RAO Hong1, LI Jianguo2, SONG Qiang2, XU Shukai1, CHEN Ming1, LI Xiaolin1
1.EPRI of China Southern Power Grid,Guangzhou 510080,China;2.Department of Electrical Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
The calculation of MMC(Modular Multilevel Converter) loss is very important for the evaluation of VSC-HVDC system efficiency and the design of converter heat radiation,for which,a digital calculation method is proposed. The switching waveforms,voltage waveforms and current waveforms for a power frequency cycle are reproduced by the digital calculation program and the switching losses are acquired from the key parameters of concerned devices. A special calculation program is designed based on the proposed method,and the total losses of MMC-HVDC system are calculated and analyzed in detail for all operating conditions. The differences of loss characteristics among different devices and the impacts of switching frequency and double-frequency circulating current on the MMC loss are analyzed.
Key words:  modular multilevel converter  VSC-HVDC  switching loss  conduction loss  electric converters  losses

