DONG Feifei,LIU Dichen,LIAO Qingfen,CEN Bingcheng,SUN Wentao,SONG Chunli,ZHAO Yijie.Application of IBBO-based atomic decomposition algorithm in subsynchronous oscillation suppression[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2014,34(6):
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董飞飞, 刘涤尘, 廖清芬, 岑炳成, 孙文涛, 宋春丽, 赵一婕
武汉大学 电气工程学院,湖北 武汉 430072
关键词:  电力系统  次同步振荡  阻尼正弦原子分解  IBBO算法  模态辨识  静止无功补偿器  次同步阻尼控制器
基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2011AA05A119);国家电网公司大电网重大专项资助项目课题(SGCC -MPLG029 -2012);中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(2012207020207)
Application of IBBO-based atomic decomposition algorithm in subsynchronous oscillation suppression
DONG Feifei, LIU Dichen, LIAO Qingfen, CEN Bingcheng, SUN Wentao, SONG Chunli, ZHAO Yijie
School of Electrical Engineering,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China
A damping sine atomic decomposition algorithm based on IBBO(Improved Biogeography-Based Optimization) is proposed to effectively identify the subsynchronous oscillation mode,which,based on the complete damping sine atomic library,introduces the cosine migration model,improved migration operator and chaos mutation strategy into IBBO algorithm to optimize the traditional matching pursuit algorithm for reducing the time complexity of its searching process. The optimized matching pursuit algorithm is used in the damping sine atomic decomposition of subsynchronization oscillation signal and the atomic parameters are converted into the modal parameters of subsynchronization oscillation after the optimal damping sine atom is searched. The improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied to design the SVC(Static Var Compensator) subsynchronization oscillation controller according to the identified parameters. Simulative results show that,the proposed algorithm has excellent time-frequency characteristics and high identification precision,it is applicable in the design of SVC subsynchronization oscillation controller,and the designed controller is effective.
Key words:  electric power systems  subsynchronous oscillation  damping sine atomic decomposition  improved biogeography-based optimization algorithm  modal identification  static var compensator  subsynchronous damping controller

