引用本文:姜卫东,吴志清,胡 杨,佘阳阳.直流电容储能反馈和负载功率前馈的Boost变换器控制策略[J].电力自动化设备,2014,34(8):
JIANG Weidong,WU Zhiqing,HU Yang,SHE Yangyang.Control strategy based on DC-link capacitor energy feedback and load power feedforward of Boost converter[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2014,34(8):
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姜卫东, 吴志清, 胡 杨, 佘阳阳
合肥工业大学 电气与自动化工程学院,安徽 合肥 230009
关键词:  Boost  变换器  储能  反馈控制  电流控制  双闭环  负载功率前馈  前馈控制
Control strategy based on DC-link capacitor energy feedback and load power feedforward of Boost converter
JIANG Weidong, WU Zhiqing, HU Yang, SHE Yangyang
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei 230009,China
The mathematical model of state space average equation is established for Boost converter and its power transfer relationship is deduced,based on which,a dual closed-loop control strategy is put forward and the corresponding controller is designed. The inner closed-loop adopts the hysteresis current control and the outer closed-loop adopts the PI regulator of DC-link capacitor energy storage. To further improve the system rapidity and reduce the influence of load disturbance on system,the load power feedforward is applied and its power evaluation algorithm is given. The static and dynamic performances are compared by experiments between the traditional voltage-current dual closed-loop control strategy and the proposed control strategy,which shows that,the proposed strategy meets the requirements of steady-state control and has better dynamic performance.
Key words:  Boost  electric converters  energy storage  feedback control  electric current control  double closed-loop  load power feedforward  feedforward control

