引用本文:李 超,王洪涛,韦仲康,王春义.含大型风电场的弱同步电网协调控制策略[J].电力自动化设备,2015,35(4):
LI Chao,WANG Hongtao,WEI Zhongkang,WANG Chunyi.Coordinated control of weakly-synchronized grid containing large wind farms[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2015,35(4):
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李 超1, 王洪涛1, 韦仲康2, 王春义3
1.山东大学 电网智能化调度与控制教育部重点实验室,山东 济南 250061;2.国网冀北电力有限公司,北京 100053;3.国网山东省电力有限公司,山东 济南 250001
关键词:  弱同步电网  风电场  多模型预测控制  静止同步补偿器  协调控制  稳定性  频率稳定  电压稳定
Coordinated control of weakly-synchronized grid containing large wind farms
LI Chao1, WANG Hongtao1, WEI Zhongkang2, WANG Chunyi3
1.Key Laboratory of Power System Intelligent Dispatch and Control of Ministry of Education,Shandong University,Ji’nan 250061,China;2.State Grid Jibei Electric Power Company,Beijing 100053,China;3.State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company,Ji’nan 250001,China
A multi-model frequency regulation strategy based on the MPC(Model Predictive Control) tech-nology is proposed for the wind turbine-generator set in the weakly-synchronized grid with large-scale wind farms,which sets the prediction model base according to the wind speed conditions. It can coordinate the pitch angle control and the generator torque control in different wind speed conditions to regulate the active power output of generation set for responding to the frequency variation of weak grid and improving the frequency regulation capability of wind turbine-generator set. A central control system with STATCOM is established for the voltage stability of weak grid,which coordinates the active power control and the reactive power control in real time to ensure the ride-through of wind turbine-generator set and the voltage and frequency stability of weak grid in the conditions of load fluctuation and fault. Simulative results show the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
Key words:  weakly-synchronized grid  wind farms  multi-model predictive control  STATCOM  coordinated control  stability  frequency stability  voltage stability

