引用本文:张保会,李光辉,王 进,郝治国,张金华,黄仁谋,王小立.(二)双馈式风电场电磁暂态等值建模研究[J].电力自动化设备,2015,35(4):
ZHANG Baohui,LI Guanghui,WANG Jin,HAO Zhiguo,ZHANG Jinhua,HUANG Renmou,WANG Xiaoli.Impact of wind farm integration on relay protection(2):DFIG-based wind farm electromagnetic transient equivalent model[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2015,35(4):
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张保会1, 李光辉1, 王 进1, 郝治国1, 张金华1, 黄仁谋2, 王小立1,3
1.西安交通大学 电气工程学院,陕西 西安 710049;2.海南电网公司,海南 海口 570100;3.宁夏电力公司调度中心,宁夏 银川 750001
关键词:  DFIG  风电场  模型  电磁暂态等值  继电保护  短路电流  风电
Impact of wind farm integration on relay protection(2):DFIG-based wind farm electromagnetic transient equivalent model
ZHANG Baohui1, LI Guanghui1, WANG Jin1, HAO Zhiguo1, ZHANG Jinhua1, HUANG Renmou2, WANG Xiaoli1,3
1.School of Electrical Engineering,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049,China;2.Hainan Power Grid Corporation,Haikou 570100,China;3.Dispatching Center of Ningxia Electric Power Company,Yinchuan 750001,China
A multi-machine equivalence scheme is proposed for the electromagnetic transient numerical simulation of large-scale DFIG-based wind farm. Since the short circuit current is related to the real-time rotor speed after the rotor Crowbar protection is put into operation during the short circuit fault of DFIG -based wind generator,it is proposed that,the rotor speed just before the short circuit fault is taken as the classification index of DFIG-based wind generators. With the minimum value of the criterion function E after convergence as the criterion,the K-means clustering algorithm is applied to classify the generators with similar index. As there may be several types of DFIG-based wind generator in a group,the capacity-weighted aggregation is applied to calculate the parameters of the equivalent wind power generators,i.e. the parameters of rotor motion equation,impedance,converter and its controller,and box-type transformer. The detailed model of a DFIG-based wind farm and its equivalent model are established on PSCAD/EMTDC platform and the simulative results show that,under the same fault condition,the fault current of equivalent model fits well that of the detailed model.
Key words:  DFIG  wind farms  models  electromagnetic transient equivalence  relay protection  short circuit currents  wind power

