引用本文:张保会,王 进,郝治国,莫莉花,闫 凯,王小立.(三) 风电场送出变压器保护性能分析[J].电力自动化设备,2015,35(4):
ZHANG Baohui,WANG Jin,HAO Zhiguo,MO Lihua,YAN Kai,WANG Xiaoli.Impact of wind farm integration on relay protection(3):performance analysis for wind farm outgoing transformer protection[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2015,35(4):
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(三) 风电场送出变压器保护性能分析
张保会1, 王 进1, 郝治国1, 莫莉花1, 闫 凯1, 王小立1,2
1.西安交通大学 电气工程学院,陕西 西安 710049;2.宁夏电力公司调度中心,宁夏 银川 750001
关键词:  低电压穿越  双馈式风电机  风电场  送出变压器  差动保护  继电保护  变压器
Impact of wind farm integration on relay protection(3):performance analysis for wind farm outgoing transformer protection
ZHANG Baohui1, WANG Jin1, HAO Zhiguo1, MO Lihua1, YAN Kai1, WANG Xiaoli1,2
1.Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049,China;2.Dispatch Center of Ningxia Electric Power Company,Yinchuan 750001,China
Simulative analysis shows that the short circuit current frequency of doubly-fed induction generator during low-voltage ride-through period deviates from the fundamental frequency according to the working conditions before the fault. When the transformer internal fault occurs,the differential action and braking currents of differential protection based on phasor values fluctuate widely and the action conditions of differential protection based on sample values are not satisfied at certain sampling points,resulting in the incorrect and instable operations. With an actual regional wind farm as an example,the off-line action performance of the main transformer protection of wind farm and the step-up transformer protection of wind power group is tested and analyzed on EMTDC platform,which shows that,the fast action of differential protection based on either phasor or sample values can not be ensured and the factors influencing the accurate operation of protections for wind farm outgoing transformers are generator type,operating condition,fault location,fault type and short circuit capacity ratio.
Key words:  low-voltage ride-through  doubly-fed induction generator  wind farms  outgoing transformer  differential protection  relay protection  electric transformers

