引用本文:谭会征,李永丽,陈晓龙,赵曼勇,刘 年,黄维芳.带低电压穿越特性的逆变型分布式电源对配电网短路电流的影响[J].电力自动化设备,2015,35(8):
TAN Huizheng,LI Yongli,CHEN Xiaolong,ZHAO Manyong,LIU Nian,HUANG Weifang.Influence of inverter-interfaced distributed generator with low-voltage ride-through capability on short circuit current of distribution network[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2015,35(8):
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谭会征1, 李永丽1, 陈晓龙1, 赵曼勇2,3, 刘 年2, 黄维芳2,3
1.天津大学 智能电网教育部重点实验室,天津 300072;2.南方电网电力调度控制中心,广东 广州 510623;3.南方电网科学研究院,广东 广州 510080
关键词:  逆变型分布式电源  配电网  低电压穿越  正序控制  短路电流计算  故障特性分析
Influence of inverter-interfaced distributed generator with low-voltage ride-through capability on short circuit current of distribution network
TAN Huizheng1, LI Yongli1, CHEN Xiaolong1, ZHAO Manyong2,3, LIU Nian2, HUANG Weifang2,3
1.Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;2.Power Dispatching Control Center of China Southern Power Grid,Guangzhou 510623,China;3.Electric Power Research Institute of China Southern Power Grid,Guangzhou 510080,China
The existing methods of short circuit current calculation for distribution network is no longer applicable due to the large-scale integration of IIDG(Inverter-Interfaced Distributed Generator),which makes the relay protection setting of IIDG-contained distribution network much difficult. The low-voltage ride-through characteristics of IIDG and its control strategy are analyzed,based on which,a universal method of short circuit current calculation is proposed for the distribution network with one or two IIDGs. It makes the IIDG equivalent to a voltage-controlled current-source model contained only in the positive-sequence network,establishes the short circuit current calculation equations by analyzing the equivalent circuit or compound-sequence network of the IIDG-contained distribution network for different types of faults,and deduces the short circuit current calculating formulas. Its correctness is proved by the results of PSCAD simulation. According to the deduced calculating formulas,the general variation rules of short circuit current along with the variation of system parameters and IIDG capacity are analyzed by MATLAB for the IIDG-contained distribution network.
Key words:  inverter-interfaced distributed generator  distribution networks  low-voltage ride-through  positive control  short circuit current calculation  fault characteristic analysis

