引用本文:周任军,康信文,李绍金,陈瑞先,唐 浩,周胜瑜.冷热电联供系统能量流函数及运行策略[J].电力自动化设备,2015,35(8):
ZHOU Renjun,KANG Xinwen,LI Shaojin,CHEN Ruixian,TANG Hao,ZHOU Shengyu.Energy flow function and operational strategy of CCHP system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2015,35(8):
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周任军, 康信文, 李绍金, 陈瑞先, 唐 浩, 周胜瑜
长沙理工大学 智能电网运行与控制湖南省重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410114
详细分析系统能量流特性,提出刻画冷热电联供(CCHP)系统在“以热定电”和“以电定热” 2种运行策略下的能量流函数。为提升CCHP系统的经济环保效益,建立其经济环保调度优化模型,目标函数包含燃料成本、购电成本及考虑污染气体排放需缴纳惩罚费用的环境成本,能量流函数作为能量平衡等式约束。算例仿真结果表明,所提能量流函数及模型可实现CCHP系统的优化调度,从而降低生产成本,改善环境效益,提高能源利用水平。
关键词:  冷热电联供  运行策略  能量流函数  以热定电  以电定热  优化  模型
Energy flow function and operational strategy of CCHP system
ZHOU Renjun, KANG Xinwen, LI Shaojin, CHEN Ruixian, TANG Hao, ZHOU Shengyu
Smart Grids Operation and Control Key Laboratory of Hunan Province,Changsha University of Science and Technology,Changsha 410114,China
The energy flow characteristics of CCHP(Combined Cooling,Heating and Power) system are analyzed in detail and the energy flow function is proposed for its two operational strategies:thermal load dominant mode and electric load dominant mode. In order to improve its economic and environmental efficiency,an optimal economic and environmental dispatch model is built,which includes the fuel cost,power purchase cost and pollution emission penalty as environmental cost in its objective function and takes the energy flow function as its energy balance equality constraint. Case simulation shows that,the proposed energy flow function and model optimizes the dispatch of CCHP system,reduces the productive cost,improves the environmental efficiency and enhances the energy utilization level.
Key words:  CCHP  operational strategy  energy flow function  thermal load dominant mode  electric load dominant mode  optimization  models

