引用本文:于竞哲,周 浩.铁塔横担侧向避雷针对特高压交流线路的绕击保护效果分析[J].电力自动化设备,2016,36(7):
YU Jingzhe,ZHOU Hao.Shielding-failure protective effect of sideward rod on tower crossarm of UHVAC transmission line[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2016,36(7):
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于竞哲, 周 浩
浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027
为评估铁塔横担侧向避雷针对特高压交流输电线路的防绕击效果,分别计算了其对3种特高压交流典型杆塔在不同条件下的保护距离。结果表明,为了实现较好的防绕击保护效果,ZBS2型杆塔可考虑使用6 m或更长的侧向针;在地面倾角为0°、风偏角小于25° 的条件下,ZMP2型杆塔可考虑使用4 ~5 m长的侧向针,鼓形塔可考虑在杆塔中相横担处安装4 ~5 m长的侧向针。
关键词:  特高压输电  交流输电  侧向避雷针  雷电绕击防护  三维EGM  地面倾角  风偏角
Shielding-failure protective effect of sideward rod on tower crossarm of UHVAC transmission line
YU Jingzhe, ZHOU Hao
College of Electrical Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China
In order to evaluate the protective effect of sideward lightning rod installed on the tower crossarm of UHVAC transmission line,its protective distance is calculated for three typical UHVAC towers in different conditions,which shows that,for better effect of shielding failure protection,the length of sideward rod installed on ZBS2 tower should be 6 m or more;in the conditions that the ground inclination angle is 0° and the wind deflection angle is less than 25°,the length of sideward rod installed on ZMP2 tower could be 4 m~5 m;if installed in the middle-phase crossarm of drum-shape tower,it could also be 4 m~5 m in the same conditions.
Key words:  UHV power transmission  AC power transmission  sideward rod  lightning shielding  three-dimensional EGM  ground inclination angle  wind deflection angle

