引用本文:赵 腾,张 焰,叶冠豪,张 璨,卫 茹,朱晨曦.多回特高压直流分层馈入模式下交直流混联系统的稳态特性分析[J].电力自动化设备,2016,36(8):
ZHAO Teng,ZHANG Yan,YE Guanhao,ZHANG Can,WEI Ru,ZHU Chenxi.Steady-state characteristics analysis for AC-DC hybrid systemin hierarchical-infeed mode of multi-loop UHVDC[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2016,36(8):
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赵 腾1, 张 焰1, 叶冠豪2, 张 璨2, 卫 茹2, 朱晨曦1
1.上海交通大学 电子信息与电气工程学院,上海 200240;2.国网南京市电力公司,江苏 南京 210000
关键词:  特高压输电  直流输电  分层馈入  交直流混联系统  多馈入短路比  稳态电压  极限传输功率  自组织临界
Steady-state characteristics analysis for AC-DC hybrid systemin hierarchical-infeed mode of multi-loop UHVDC
ZHAO Teng1, ZHANG Yan1, YE Guanhao2, ZHANG Can2, WEI Ru2, ZHU Chenxi1
1.School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China;2.State Grid Nanjing Power Supply Company,Nanjing 210000,China
For three infeed modes of multi-loop UHVDC:simply into UHVAC,simply into EHVAC and hierarchically into UHVAC and EHVAC,the steady-state characteristics of AC-DC hybrid system are analyzed in three aspects:MISCR(Multi-Infeed Short Circuit Ratio),AC system steady-state voltage and UHVDC transmission power limit. A method of UHVDC transmission power limit analysis based on the self-organized critical slow process is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by simulating the feeding of a dual-loop UHVDC into AC grid and the results show that,the hierarchical infeed mode has better MISCR to enhance the voltage support capability of AC grid for UHVDC.
Key words:  multi-infeed short circuit ratio  steady-state voltage  power transmission limit  self-organized criticality

