引用本文:欧阳庭辉,查晓明,秦 亮,熊 一,夏 添,黄鹤鸣.含核函数切换的风电功率短期预测新方法[J].电力自动化设备,2016,36(9):
OUYANG Tinghui,ZHA Xiaoming,QIN Liang,XIONG Yi,XIA Tian,HUANG Heming.Short-term wind power prediction based on kernel function switching[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2016,36(9):
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欧阳庭辉, 查晓明, 秦 亮, 熊 一, 夏 添, 黄鹤鸣
武汉大学 电气工程学院,湖北 武汉 430072
关键词:  风电  预测  核函数  支持向量机  切换机制  混沌时间序列  风电功率预测
Short-term wind power prediction based on kernel function switching
OUYANG Tinghui, ZHA Xiaoming, QIN Liang, XIONG Yi, XIA Tian, HUANG Heming
School of Electrical Engineering,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China
A method of chaotic time series prediction based on the switching regime of kernel functions is proposed to further improve the performance of short-term wind power prediction for reducing the potential risk of power grid caused by the large-scale wind power integration. The mutual information method and false nearest neighbor method are applied to reconstruct the phase-space of original wind power series. The recurrence plot and the maximum Lyapunov value are used to verify that,the wind power series are from a chaotic system with certainty and randomness and the chaotic prediction is applicable. The implementation of chaotic time series prediction based on kernel functions is given and the training sample analysis proves it is better than the traditional prediction method. According to the training results,the support vector machine is proposed to train the switching regime of optimal kernel functions for future improving the prediction accuracy. As an example,the comparison among the error indexes based on the data from BPA website proves that,the prediction based on the kernel functions with switching regime can effectively realize the short-term wind power prediction with better performances.
Key words:  wind power  prediction  kernel functions  support vector machines  switching regime  chaotic time series  wind power prediction

