WANG Rui,WANG Jie,MI Xiao.Multi-generator system stability analysis considering influence of stochastic small disturbance[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2017,37(2):
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王芮, 王杰, 弥潇
上海交通大学 电子信息与电气工程学院,上海 200240
随着风力、太阳能等可再生能源发电的大规模并网,系统中的随机因素不断增多,传统的确定型线性化稳定性分析方法急需得到改善。采用含随机扰动项的非线性系统模型分析多机电力系统在随机扰动下的随机稳定性,利用It? 随机微分方程的相关理论分析了多机系统功角和角速度在Gauss随机小扰动下的均值稳定性和均方稳定性,并在MATLAB/Simulink中分别对4机11节点系统和16机68节点系统进行了仿真计算,通过对系统在随机小扰动下的响应曲线进行分析,验证了理论证明的正确性。
关键词:  多机系统  随机扰动  It? 微分方程  稳定性
Multi-generator system stability analysis considering influence of stochastic small disturbance
WANG Rui, WANG Jie, MI Xiao
School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Since the stochastic factors of power system increase unceasingly along with the large-scale integration of renewable energy power generation, such as wind energy and solar energy, the traditional deterministic linear stability analysis methods should be improved. For analyzing the stochastic stability of multi-generator system under stochastic disturbances, a nonlinear power system model with stochastic disturbance term is adopted and the mean stability and mean-square stability of power-angle and angular-speed of multi-generator system under Gauss stochastic small disturbances are analyzed based on the relevant theories of It? stochastic differential equations. Simulative calculations in MATLAB/Simulink are carried out for a 4-machine 11-bus system and a 16-machine 68-bus system, which verifies the validity of the theoretical demonstration by analyzing the response curves of system under stochastic disturbances.
Key words:  multi-generator system  stochastic disturbance  Itô differential equations  stability

