ZHANG Yongjun,CHEN Zexing,CAI Zexiang,LI Licheng,SONG Weiwei.New generation of cyber-energy system:Energy Internet[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2017,37(3):
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张勇军, 陈泽兴, 蔡泽祥, 李立浧, 宋伟伟
华南理工大学 电力学院 广东省绿色能源技术重点实验室,广东 广州 510640
关键词:  信息能源系统  能源互联网  互联网+  技术挑战
DOI:10.16081 / j.issn.1006-6047.2016.09.001
New generation of cyber-energy system:Energy Internet
ZHANG Yongjun, CHEN Zexing, CAI Zexiang, LI Licheng, SONG Weiwei
Guangdong Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Technology,School of Electric Power,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China
“Internet plus” is gradually penetrating into the energy industry and driving the in-depth combination of smart grid and energy-net. The morphological characteristics of CES(Cyber-Energy System) built by the Energy Internet are analyzed under the background of this combination in three aspects:the stochastic dynamic characteristics of multi-coupling energy flow,the information integration capability of wide-area Internet and the interactive characteristics of energy-information flow. Three core techniques,i.e. CES modelling,systemic analysis method and control method,are discussed to outline the development of CES in smart grid. The developmental challenges of related core techniques in the new generation of CES are proposed.
Key words:  cyber-energy system  Energy Internet  Internet plus  technical challenge

