YIN Jun,LI Yanbin,XIONG Junhua,YAN Zhekun.Short circuit current calculation and fault analysis method of DFIG wind-farm groups[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2017,37(8):
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尹俊, 李彦彬, 熊军华, 闫哲昆
华北水利水电大学 电力学院,河南 郑州 450045
关键词:  双馈风电场群  风电场  低电压穿越  短路电流  故障分析
Short circuit current calculation and fault analysis method of DFIG wind-farm groups
YIN Jun, LI Yanbin, XIONG Junhua, YAN Zhekun
School of Electric Power, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450045, China
The transient characteristics of different wind farms in wind-farm groups are quite different and the coupling relation between each wind farm and grid is quite strong, which make the failure analysis of the grid with wind-farm groups more complicate. An equivalent inverter model is established based on the external characteristics of its inputs and outputs, a DFIG transient model considering the influence of inverter control is provided, the influence of LVRT control strategy on the short circuit current is analyzed, and a short circuit current calculation model of DFIG wind unit is built. The interaction among wind farms during a fault is analyzed and a method for calculating the short circuit current of DFIG wind-farm groups is proposed. A physical experimental platform with DFIG wind unit controller is established based on RTDS to verify the correctness of the proposed short circuit current calculation method. The fault analysis method of the grid with DFIG wind-farm groups is discussed and analyzed.
Key words:  DFIG wind-farm groups  wind farms  low-voltage ride-through  short circuit currents  failure analysis

