ZHU Lin,GE Jun,WU Xueguang,LIU Dong,ZHANG Song,GAO Lu.Power system equivalence for practical engineering[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2017,37(9):
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朱琳1,2,3, 葛俊4, 吴学光1,2,3, 刘栋1,2,3, 张嵩5, 高路1
1.全球能源互联网研究院,北京 102209;2.先进输电技术国家重点实验室,北京 102209;3.直流电网技术与仿真北京市重点实验室,北京 102209;4.国网冀北电力有限公司,北京 100053;5.东北电力大学 电气工程学院,吉林 吉林 132012
关键词:  电力系统  短路容量  动态等值  Ward等值
Power system equivalence for practical engineering
ZHU Lin1,2,3, GE Jun4, WU Xueguang1,2,3, LIU Dong1,2,3, ZHANG Song5, GAO Lu1
1.Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute, Beijing 102209, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Advanced Power Transmission Technology, Beijing 102209, China;3.Beijing Key Laboratory of DC Grid Technology and Simulation, Beijing 102209, China;4.State Grid Jibei Electric Power Company Limited, Beijing 100053, China;5.School of Electrical Engineering, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China
AC system equivalence is needed in HIL(Hardware-In-Loop) test to give the considerations of simulation scale and interaction between AC and DC, for which, a method of large-scale AC system equivalence is proposed based on the principle that the short circuit capacities before and after equivalence should be consistent. The rated capacity and access reactance of equivalent generator are set according to the short circuit current of equivalent node. A new criterion is proposed based on the short circuit current contribution ratio according to the relationship between short circuit current and dynamic system characteristics, which is used to choose the dominative controller of equivalent generator and calculate the controller parameters. The static Ward equivalence is improved to eliminate the conditions of negative resistance and negative generator active power output. As an example, the system voltages, power flows and short circuit capacities before and after equivalence are compared and the post-fault dynamic response characteristics are analyzed, verifying the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Key words:  electric power systems  short circuit capacity  dynamic equivalence  Ward equivalence

