SONG Xiaocui,LIU Zhigang,HUANG Ke.Electromagnetic transient influence of pantograph detachment arcing for traction network in high-speed railway based on state space analysis method[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2017,37(12):
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宋小翠, 刘志刚, 黄可
西南交通大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 610031
关键词:  高速铁路  弓网离线电弧  状态空间分析法  非线性状态求解  过分相
Electromagnetic transient influence of pantograph detachment arcing for traction network in high-speed railway based on state space analysis method
SONG Xiaocui, LIU Zhigang, HUANG Ke
School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
Aiming at the electromagnetic transient phenomenon caused by the pantograph detachment arcing, the state space analysis method for analyzing electromagnetic transient influence of traction network is proposed and adopted, and the corresponding modeling study for the traction network under several conditions is performed. Taking the situation of train’s high-speed operation along with first detachment arc as the research example, the distributed-parameter modeling of traction network, establishment of nonlinear state equation, and discrete solution process of algorithm are analyzed in detail. Through solving the characteristic waveforms of arc voltage and current under different load characteristics, the correctness of above solution method is verified. Based on the state space analysis method, two common high-speed railway conditions, i. e. train’s high-speed operation and passing electric split-phase region, are considered, and the waveforms of pantograph head voltages are solved considering multiple arcing. Results show that, multiple arcing is an important factor of train’s voltage distortion and transient over-voltage, and the state space analysis method can effectively analyze the impact of pantograph detachment nonlinear arc in high-speed railway.
Key words:  high-speed railway  pantograph-catenary detachment arc  state space analysis method  non-linear state solution  passing electric split-phase region

