HUANG Shoudao,FU Xueting,RAO Hong,ZHOU Baorong,RONG Fei.Reliability analysis and redundant configuration strategy of MMC based on Semi-Markov[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2018,(7):
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黄守道1, 付雪婷1, 饶宏2, 周保荣2, 荣飞1
1.湖南大学 电气与信息工程学院,湖南 长沙 410082;2.南方电网科学研究院 直流输电技术国家重点实验室,广东 广州 510620
目前,对于模块化多电平换流器(MMC)的可靠性分析大多认为其子模块的寿命函数符合指数分布,但实际上其子模块的寿命函数更接近于Weibull分布。利用Semi-Markov过程建立MMC的数学模型,结合频率和持续时间法对存在不同冗余度的系统进行可靠性指标的定量分析。对MMC进行损耗分析,分析冗余度对其损耗的影响。采用分目标乘除法对MMC的冗余度进行优化,使其在具有高可靠性的同时保持损耗最小。通过实例分析可知,当换流器直流侧母线电压为±800 kV,子模块的额定电压为3 kV时,最佳冗余度为1.86%。
关键词:  模块化多电平换流器  冗余度  可靠性  Semi-Markov过程  损耗
Reliability analysis and redundant configuration strategy of MMC based on Semi-Markov
HUANG Shoudao1, FU Xueting1, RAO Hong2, ZHOU Baorong2, RONG Fei1
1.College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China;2.State Key Laboratory of HVDC, EPRI of China Southern Power Grid, Guangzhou 510620, China
Currently the reliability analysis of MMC(Modular Multilevel Converter) generally assumes that the life function of its submodule is subject to the exponential distribution function. However, the life function of its submo-dule is actually closer to the Weibull distribution. The mathematical model of MMC is established by using the Semi-Markov process, and the reliability indexes of the system with different redundancy values are quantitatively analyzed combined with the frequency and duration method. Then, the loss of MMC and the influence of redundancy on the system loss are analyzed. The configuration of redundant MMC is optimized with goal multiplication and division, which makes the system with high reliability and minimum system loss. Test results indicate that the optimal redundancy is 1.86% when the DC side bus voltage of converter is adjusted to be ±800 kV and the rated voltage of the submodule is 3 kV.
Key words:  modular multilevel converter  redundancy  reliability  Semi-Markov process  losses33

