ZHANG Yin,XIAO Xianyong,LI Changsong.Vulnerability analysis of cyber physical power system from attacker’s perspective[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2018,(10):
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张殷, 肖先勇, 李长松
关键词:  电力信息物理融合系统  信息物理交互  复杂网络理论  脆弱性  攻击者视角
Vulnerability analysis of cyber physical power system from attacker’s perspective
ZHANG Yin, XIAO Xianyong, LI Changsong
College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
Analyzing the vulnerability of cyber physical power system from attackers perspective is beneficial for decision makers to identify the vulnerable components and potential threats, which lays the foundation for the formulation of targeted defense. An integrated model of cyber physical power system considering the cyber physical interaction is built based on the complex network theory, and the impact of cyber component failures on the fault propagation of physical layer is studied under the DC power flow model. Four kinds of attack modes are proposed from the attacker’s point of view, and the more comprehensive vulnerability indices of cyber physical power system are built from the perspectives of the structural and functional properties of physical and cyber layers to analyze the vulnerability of the system under two topologies of cyber network. Simulative results show that, the load level of physical la yer and the topology of cyber layer are the important factors that affect the vulnerability of the system, compared with random attack modes, the system is more vulnerable under the malicious attack mode and especially vulnerable under the coordinated attack mode, the cyber nodes with high weighted betweenness and high weighted degree play a cru cial role in maintaining the function of cyber layer, and the synergistic damage effect of cyber and physical component failures seriously deteriorates the system performance.
Key words:  cyber physical power system  cyber physical interaction  complex network theory  vulnerability  attackers perspective

