引用本文:曾燊杰,李红梅,张恒果,董锡康,顾佳媛.Boost PFC变换器的无模型预测电流控制[J].电力自动化设备,2020,40(1):
ZENG Shenjie,LI Hongmei,ZHANG Hengguo,DONG Xikang,GU Jiayuan.Model-free predictive current control for Boost PFC converter[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2020,40(1):
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Boost PFC变换器的无模型预测电流控制
曾燊杰, 李红梅, 张恒果, 董锡康, 顾佳媛
合肥工业大学 电气与自动化工程学院,安徽 合肥 230009
升压型功率因数校正(Boost PFC)变换器在中轻载运行时存在电感电流的断续导通模式,采用线性的比例-积分(PI)控制器难以有效地控制平均电感电流,导致输入电流存在较为严重的畸变。为改善输入电流质量,基于变换器统一的超局部模型并结合预测控制思想,建立了无模型预测电流控制器以生成合适的占空比控制信号并提高电流环路的响应速度。该方法在克服控制器对系统参数依赖的同时,有效地提高了变换器在电流连续导通模式和断续导通模式时的电流控制性能,避免了额外的模式识别算法或硬件检测电路。
关键词:  功率因数校正  升压变换器  超局部模型  无模型预测电流控制  电流畸变
Model-free predictive current control for Boost PFC converter
ZENG Shenjie, LI Hongmei, ZHANG Hengguo, DONG Xikang, GU Jiayuan
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
The Boost PFC(Power Factor Correction) converter may enter the discontinuous conduction mode of inductor current when in medium-and light-load conditions. Linear proportional-integral controller has difficulty in controlling the average inductor current effectively, resulting in severe distortion of input current. To improve the input current quality, the model-free predictive current controller is proposed, based on the unified ultra-local model of the converter and the inspiration of predictive control, to generate the appropriate duty cycle signal and enhance the response speed of the current loop. The proposed method not only overcomes the dependence on system parameters of the controller, but also enhances the current control performance of the converter in both continuous conduction mode and discontinuous conduction mode, avoiding additional mode recognition algorithms or hardware detection circuits.
Key words:  power factor correction  Boost converter  ultra-local model  model-free predictive current control  current distortion

