TIAN Weikun,YU Hao,LI Peng,JI Haoran,WANG Chengshan.Projective integration-based dynamic simulation method for community integrated energy system with gas-electricity coupling[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2020,40(11):
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田伟堃, 于浩, 李鹏, 冀浩然, 王成山
天津大学 智能电网教育部重点实验室,天津 300072
关键词:  园区综合能源系统  气-电耦合  投影积分  动态仿真  刚性系统
Projective integration-based dynamic simulation method for community integrated energy system with gas-electricity coupling
TIAN Weikun, YU Hao, LI Peng, JI Haoran, WANG Chengshan
Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Considering the operating characteristics of power system, natural gas system and their coupling units, a dynamic model of the community integrated energy system with gas-electricity coupling is deve-loped, in which the whole system is divided according to the time scale of their respective dynamics. Based on this model, an efficient dynamic simulation method based on projective integration is proposed, which is suitable for the simulation analysis of the community integrated energy system with gas-electricity coupling. Considering different structural characteristics of the natural gas system and power system, the inte-rnal integrator describes the fast dynamic processes finely by alternating the explicit and implicit Euler method of small steps, while the external integrator utilizes a variable large step second-order Newton method to solve the slow dynamic processes effectively. At the same time, the emergencies such as faults or dis-turbances are addressed effectively while ensuring accuracy. Then, the numerical accuracy of the proposed algorithm is analyzed. Simulative results based on typical examples indicate that the proposed method effectively solves the integrated energy system with gas-electricity coupling in multiple scenarios and improves the simulation efficiency with satisfactory accuracy.
Key words:  community integrated energy system  gas-electricity coupling  projective integration  dynamic simulation  stiff system

