LI Yaping,YANG Shengchun,MAO Wenbo,GAO Guanzhong,LU Yanan,HUANG Zhanhong.Active power balance scheduling architecture and strategy of distributed flexible resource based on collective intelligence[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(7):
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李亚平1, 杨胜春1, 毛文博1, 高冠中1, 陆亚楠1, 黄展鸿2
1.中国电力科学研究院有限公司(南京),江苏 南京 210003;2.华南理工大学 电力学院,广东 广州 510641
关键词:  海量柔性资源  分布式架构  群体智能  自治决策  交互协同
Active power balance scheduling architecture and strategy of distributed flexible resource based on collective intelligence
LI Yaping1, YANG Shengchun1, MAO Wenbo1, GAO Guanzhong1, LU Yanan1, HUANG Zhanhong2
1.China Electric Power Research Institute(Nanjing),Nanjing 210003, China;2.School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
Aiming at the challenges of scheduling operation brought by the large number, distributed location and strong uncertainty of distributed flexible resources in power system, the collective intelligence idea of the new generation’s artificial intelligence is introduced, and the active power balance scheduling architecture of distributed flexible resource based on collective intelligence is proposed. According to the hierarchical and distributed cluster control mode, the organization and regulation operation of massive flexible resources is divided into four layers: terminal → user → sub-cluster → cluster. Under this architecture, user layer, sub-cluster layer and cluster layer are regarded as different agents, and the external characteristic modeling of cluster, the autonomous decision-making within cluster and the interactive collaboration strategy between clusters are proposed respectively, thus realizing the “weakly centralized” cluster self-discipline operation. Simulative results verify the rationality of distributed architecture and the effectiveness of intelligent strategy. With the help of distributed regulation architecture and the new generation’s artificial intelligence techno-logy, it is an effective means to realize the “cluster scheduling and control” of massive distributed flexible resources.
Key words:  massive flexible resources  distributed architecture  collective intelligence  autonomous decision-making  interactive collaboration

