引用本文:赖庆辉,钱国明,陈福锋,许庆强,兰金波,魏 曜.纵联零序方向元件的特殊问题分析及解决方案[J].电力自动化设备,2010,(12):
LAI Qinghui,QIAN Guoming,CHEN Fufeng,XU Qingqiang,LAN Jinbo,WEI Yao.Analysis of pilot zero-sequence directional protection special problems and solutions[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2010,(12):
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赖庆辉1, 钱国明2, 陈福锋2, 许庆强3, 兰金波2, 魏 曜2
1.德化县供电有限责任公司,福建 德化 362500;2.国电南京自动化股份有限公司,江苏 南京 210003;3.江苏省电力试验研究院有限公司,江苏 南京 210036
关键词:  纵联保护  零序方向  电压补偿  双回线
Analysis of pilot zero-sequence directional protection special problems and solutions
LAI Qinghui1, QIAN Guoming2, CHEN Fufeng2, XU Qingqiang3, LAN Jinbo2, WEI Yao2
1.Dehua County Power Supply Co.,Ltd.,Dehua 362500,China;2.Guodian Nanjing Automation Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210003,China;3.Jiangsu Electric Power Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210036,China
Different conditions causing the sensitivity deficiency of pilot zero-sequence directional protection are analyzed and the necessity of adopting zero-sequence voltage compensation is discussed. It points out that,if one of the double-circuit lines is tripped for single-phase grounding fault,the load shifted to other line may produce large zero-sequence current while its buses at both sides may not present zero-sequence voltage,the application of zero-sequence voltage compensation will cause the maloperation of its pilot zero -sequence directional protections. The factors affecting the zero-sequence voltage of bus are analyzed in detail and proved by site recorded fault data and simulative data. Solutions are proposed to the configuration scheme of pilot zero-sequence directional protection.
Key words:  pilot protection  zero-sequence directional  voltage compensation  double-circuit line

