引用本文:甘 斌,张全明.故障电流限制器在500 kV变电站的应用[J].电力自动化设备,2011,31(6):
GAN Bin,ZHANG Quanming.Application of fault current limiter in 500 kV substation[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2011,31(6):
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故障电流限制器在500 kV变电站的应用
甘 斌1, 张全明2
1.杭州市电力局,浙江 杭州 310000;2.浙江省电力公司,浙江 杭州 310000
介绍了故障电流限制器(FCL)的结构图和各个电气元件的作用、串联谐振型FCL的基本原理及其显著特点,详细说明了FCL控制保护系统中的动作依据、动作过程、电容器组的重投机制等,分析了如何利用故障电流瞬时值和故障电流斜率等判据来实现FCL的可靠动作,阐述了FCL对电流差动保护、距离保护、方向零流、线路联动保护等继电保护的影响,并对FCL动作效果进行了仿真分析。结果表明,FCL能应用于500 kV超高压电网,还对降低故障电流和提高系统稳定性具有良好的效果。
关键词:  故障电流限制器  变电站  短路电流  仿真
Application of fault current limiter in 500 kV substation
GAN Bin1, ZHANG Quanming2
1.Hangzhou Power Bureau,Hangzhou 310000,China;2.Zhejiang Electric Power Corporation,Hangzhou 310000,China
The structure of FCL(Fault Current Limiter) and the functions of its electrical components are presented and the fundamental principle of serial resonance FCL and its features are introduced. The action basis and process of FCL-controlled protection system as well as its reclose mechanism of capacitor set are detailed. The instantaneous fault current and fault current slope are applied as criterions to realize the reliable action. Its influence on the current differential protection,distance protection,direction zero-sequence current protection,combined line protection,etc. is illustrated. Simulative analysis is carried out for its action effect,which proves that,FCL is suitable for 500 kV extra high voltage power network to improve system stability and reduce short circuit current.
Key words:  fault current limiter  electric substations  short circuit currents  computer simulation

