引用本文:顾 艳,王玉忠.基于小波变换和数学形态学的双回线故障测距[J].电力自动化设备,2011,31(12):
GU Yan,WANG Yuzhong.Fault location based on wavelet transform and mathematical morphologyfor double-circuit transmission lines[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2011,31(12):
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顾 艳, 王玉忠
南京工程学院 电力工程学院,江苏 南京 211167
关键词:  故障测距  小波变换  数学形态学  相模变换  双回线  白噪声
Fault location based on wavelet transform and mathematical morphologyfor double-circuit transmission lines
GU Yan, WANG Yuzhong
Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167,China
Since there are inter-phase and inter-line mutual inductances among the parallel double-circuit transmission lines,a dual-end fault location method based on wavelet transform and mathematical morphology is presented,which takes the double three-phase lines as single six-phase lines and applies the current traveling waves at both ends of faulty line and the phase mode transformation. The white noise and impulsive noise in signal are effectively filtered by the wavelet transform and mathematical morphology to improve the accuracy of fault location. It carries out six phase mode transformations,adopts single mode to reflect all fault types and applies mathematical morphology gradient algorithm to extract the traveling wave front,being simple and easy to implement. It is simulated in time domain and the results show that the fault location is accurately detected,immune to the inter-line coupling,line length,fault position,fault type,grounding resistance,operating mode and load current of parallel double-circuit transmission lines.
Key words:  electric fault location  wavelet transforms  mathematical morphology  phase mode transformation  double circuit line  white noise

