引用本文:张树卿,童陆园,洪 潮,欧开健.基于线性功率-电压方程的快速潮流计算方法[J].电力自动化设备,2013,33(6):
ZHANG Shuqing,TONG Luyuan,HONG Chao,OU Kaijian.Fast power flow calculation based on linear power-voltage equation[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2013,33(6):
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本文已被:浏览 5801次   下载 2012  
张树卿1, 童陆园1, 洪 潮2, 欧开健2
1.清华大学 电机工程与应用电子技术系,北京 100084;2.南方电网科学研究院,广东 广州 510080
关键词:  潮流  线性功率-电压方程  大电网  大电阻电抗比  电力系统
Fast power flow calculation based on linear power-voltage equation
ZHANG Shuqing1, TONG Luyuan1, HONG Chao2, OU Kaijian2
1.Department of Electrical Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;2.Electric Power Research Institute,China Southern Power Grid,Guangzhou 510080,China
For large power grid with plentiful serial branches of large resistance-reactance ratio,a fast power flow calculation method is proposed and realized,which builds the iterative modification equation based on the linear power-voltage equation and the initial iterative value is calculated using the PQ method based on the continuation of branch resistance-reactance ratio. An accelerating convergence factor is added to the iterative process to ensure the convergence and solving accuracy. Its voltage modification direction is simple and clear,suitable for programming. The power flow calculations for a small system case and the practical Southern Grid show that,the proposed method is of high accuracy and good adaptability.
Key words:  power flow  linear power-voltage equation  large power grid  large resistance-reactance ratio  electric power systems

