引用本文:张 斐,许建平,舒立三,董 政.低输出电压纹波三态PCCM CUK PFC变换器[J].电力自动化设备,2014,34(1):
ZHANG Fei,XU Jianping,SHU Lisan,DONG Zheng.Tri-state PCCM CUK PFC converter with low output-voltage ripple[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2014,34(1):
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低输出电压纹波三态PCCM CUK PFC变换器
张 斐, 许建平, 舒立三, 董 政
西南交通大学 电气工程学院 磁浮技术与磁浮列车教育部重点实验室,四川 成都 610031
提出了一种具有低输出电压纹波的三态伪连续导电模式(PCCM) CUK功率因数校正(PFC)变换器及其控制策略。在CUK变换器的中间储能电容(过渡电容)上串联一个开关管,使得中间储能电容电压在一个开关周期内存在3个工作状态,进而获得低输出电压纹波和快速的负载动态响应速度。分析了三态PCCM CUK PFC变换器的工作原理,仿真验证了理论分析结果,同时通过一个200 W的实验电路验证了结论的正确性。结果表明三态 PCCM CUK PFC 变换器具有输入功率因数高、输出电压纹波小和动态响应速度快的优点。
关键词:  功率因数校正  变换器  动态响应  低输出电压纹波  伪连续导电模式
Tri-state PCCM CUK PFC converter with low output-voltage ripple
ZHANG Fei, XU Jianping, SHU Lisan, DONG Zheng
Key Laboratory of Magnetic Suspension Technology and Maglev Vehicle,Ministry of Education,School of Electrical Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China
A kind of tri-state PCCM(Pseudo Continuous Conduction Mode) CUK PFC(Power Factor Correction)converter with low output-voltage ripple and its control strategy are proposed. By connecting a power switch in series with the CUK capacitor,three operating states of capacitor voltage are obtained within a switching cycle,resulting in low output-voltage ripple and fast dynamic load response. The operating principle of tri-state PCCM CUK PFC converter is analyzed and verified by simulation. The experimental results of a 200 W prototype show that the tri-state PCCM CUK PFC converter has high power factor,low output-voltage ripple and fast dynamic response.
Key words:  power factor correction  electric converters  dynamic response  low output-voltage ripple  pseudo continuous conduction mode

