XU Jian,HONG Min,SUN Yuanzhang,ZHOU Guohai.Dynamic scenario generation based on empirical Copula function for outputs of multiple wind farms and its application in unit commitment[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2017,37(8):
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徐箭, 洪敏, 孙元章, 周过海
武汉大学 电气工程学院,湖北 武汉 430072
关键词:  风电  经验Copula函数  动态场景生成  波动性建模  ksdensity函数  随机机组组合
Dynamic scenario generation based on empirical Copula function for outputs of multiple wind farms and its application in unit commitment
XU Jian, HONG Min, SUN Yuanzhang, ZHOU Guohai
School of Electrical Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
With the large-scale integration of wind power, the randomness and fluctuation of wind-power and the correlation among multiple wind farm outputs bring new challenges to the operation and dispatch of power system. An empirical Copula function is introduced to characterize the joint output distribution of multiple wind farm. The fluctuation of wind power is modelled and fitted with ksdensity function, and the inverse transform sampling is applied to generate a scenario set that conforms to the randomness and fluctuation of wind power. The dynamic output scenarios of multiple wind farms generated based on the empirical Copula function are applied in the stochastic unit commitment of power system with multiple wind farms. Results of case study validate the effectiveness of the established wind power fluctuation model and the feasibility of the proposed dynamic scenario generation method. Its application in the stochastic unit commitment enhances the operational economy of power system with multiple wind farms.
Key words:  wind power  empirical Copula function  dynamic scenario generation  modelling of fluctuation  ksdensity function  stochastic unit commitment

