CHEN Xing,WEI Zhinong,SHEN Haiping,SUN Guoqiang,ZANG Haixiang,SUN Yonghui.Three-phase unbalanced fast power flow calculation algorithm based on double decoupling for distribution network[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2017,37(10):
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陈醒1, 卫志农1, 沈海平2, 孙国强1, 臧海祥1, 孙永辉1
1.河海大学 能源与电气学院,江苏 南京 210098;2.国网无锡供电公司,江苏 无锡 214061
关键词:  配电网  三相不平衡  三相解耦  PQ分解  潮流计算  复数域标幺化
Three-phase unbalanced fast power flow calculation algorithm based on double decoupling for distribution network
CHEN Xing1, WEI Zhinong1, SHEN Haiping2, SUN Guoqiang1, ZANG Haixiang1, SUN Yonghui1
1.College of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China;2.State Grid Wuxi Power Supply Company, Wuxi 214061, China
In order to realize the efficient calculation of three-phase power flow of distribution network and consider the adaptability of distribution generation, unbalanced line parameters, high ratio of R/X and weak looped network, a double decoupling three-phase fast power flow algorithm is proposed by the combination of interphase decoupling and fast decomposition method in complex field. The interphase decoupling compensation model is adopted for the direct three-phase interphase decoupling of distribution transmission line, the complex per unit normalization is used to reduce the impact of R/X ratio in each phase, and then the fast decomposition power flow algorithm is introduced for decomposition. Double decoupling in the proposed method reduces the dimension of Jacobian matrix and keeps it constant in the calculation process, which significantly simplifies the complexity of calculation. The proposed method also has a better adaptability of distributed generation and weak looped network. The testing results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Key words:  distribution network  three-phase unbalance  three-phase decoupling  PQ decomposition  power flow calculation  complex per unit normalization

