ZHOU Yuzhi,XU Zheng,DONG Huanfeng.Power transmission capability analysis of DC island transmission system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2017,37(10):
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周煜智, 徐政, 董桓锋
浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027
关键词:  直流孤岛  输送能力  最大功率曲线  短路比  励磁系统  改善措施  时域仿真  模型
Power transmission capability analysis of DC island transmission system
ZHOU Yuzhi, XU Zheng, DONG Huanfeng
College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
The sending-end system of the traditional HVDC transmission system may operate in islanding mode and the power transmission capability of DC island transmission system is important in its operation, so that the power transmission capability is deeply studied. The model of DC island transmission system is built with PSCAD/EMTDC simulation program and the MPCs(Maximum Power Curves) of the system are drawn by theoretical calculation and time-domain simulation. According to the different change rates of DC current reference, the influences of excitation models and parameters on the power transmission capability in low current change rate, and the influences of excitation parameters on the system transient process in high current change rate are discussed respectively. The proposed method is applied to analyze the faults in the sending-end system, then the mechanism of instability is expounded and some improvement measures are put forward. Simulative results show that DC current amplitude limiting and generator excitation forcing based on power transmission capability analysis can significantly improve the transient response characteristics of DC island transmission system with faults.
Key words:  DC island  transmission capability  maximum power curve  short circuit ratio  excitation system  improvement measures  time-domain simulation  models

